sample notice for English Day Celebration
You are the secretary of your school
English Literary Association. You are going to organize an English Day
Celebration in your school. Write a notice to be put up on the noticeboard
informing your students.
Include the following.
-Chief Guest
There will be an English
Day Celebration organized by the English Literary Association of our school on
the 25th of October 2018 (Date), at
9.00 AM (Time), in our school main hall (Venue).
The purpose of this English Day Celebration is to motivate the
students towards English and to award the winners of the English Day at
the school level (Purpose). The Chief Guest will be the Zonal Director of Education of ............................................. Zone, Mr...............................................................
the students and the teachers of Al Manar Central College are requested to
participate in it.
20/10/2018 Secretary
Literary Association
You are the secretary of the Welfare
Association of your school. You are going to celebrate Teachers’ Day in your
school. Write a notice to be put up on the school noticeboard. Include the
Time, Venue, Purpose, Chief Guest